What is a “Duty to Warn”?
Psychologists have a legal and ethical responsibility to protect individuals when they learn during counseling that someone may be at risk of harm. This obligation, known as the “duty to warn,” applies when a person expresses intent to harm themselves or others. In such cases, psychologists must take appropriate steps to notify the intended victim and involve those who can help ensure their safety, whether it be the person at risk or the potential victim.
Click here to read the complete
Vermont Statute about the “Duty to Warn.
What is a “Mandated Reporter”?
A mandated reporter is someone who has a legal responsibility to report any reasonable concerns about the abuse or neglect of children, vulnerable adults and elderly people. This duty takes precedence over confidentiality requirements outlined in HIPAA. All psychologists in Vermont are mandated reporters.
Click here to read the complete Vermont Statute about
“Mandated Reporting” of child abuse or neglect.
Click here to read the complete Vermont Statute about
“Mandated Reporting” of abuse or neglect of a vulnerable adult.